Many people express their interest in learning the Greek language, for different reasons. Some want to move permanently in Greece, some others have Greek anscestors while many people are huge fans of the Hellenic Spirit and civilization.
I feel we haven’t highlighted enough the benefits of this activity for our minds, brains and life as a consequence.
I seperate the mind from the brain because it benefits them seperately.
1.The mind. When you learn a language you don’t just learn vocabulary and grammar. Or at least, this is what you shouldn’t do. When we learn a new language we get into the everyday life of a civilization, history, music and whole culture. As you go deeper, you may find aspects in this whole new area of magic, that will help you in your everyday life and emotional struggles. You welcome Greek Philosophy into your life.
Why Learning Greek Is Good For Your Health?
You may start this new hobby for the language, but have you ever tried to get to know Greek philosophy and mentality? You will love it, and who knows, maybe you will find solutions there. You broaden your mind, you get into a completely new world that can serve your mind and soul and take you to another, deaper level in life.
2. The brain. Now it is completely different as we are going to talk about the organ brain. Brain is a muscle. We are full of muscles and nerves. Brain is a muscle we need to train in order to have it in good shape.
We can do one thing in order to help it.
Give it food.
Now we seperate the food in two categories:
I am not the person who will talk about Number 1, let’s talk about excercising the brain.
Why Learning Greek Is Good For Your Health?
Give your brain food for thought. Be spoilt and demanding in this kind of food. Demand the best information in the best expressed way.
Letting the greek words waking up in you by finding yourself there is a kind of elite food for your brain.
The Greek language seems to be difficult when someone sees it for the first time. If you take the steps in the correct order though, it becomes the perfect game for the brain!
I am sure it helps us work our brain like the most interesting muscle it is. It makes us smarter.
The coolest part is that the more you work with your brain, the prouder and satisfied you feel and you can go deeper and achieve more in different aspects. The older we get the most useful it becomes, and that’s what I love the most!
Learning Greek helps you empower your memory.
Why Learning Greek Is Good For Your Health?
One of the greatest adult excercises is practicing the Greek language. Why? Because in a big ammount of words you don’t have to learn completely new vocabulary.
Once you have learned how to read the Greek Alphabet, you have unlocked new words in another language. For example
φανταστικό=fantastic (fantastico)
τραγικό=tragic (tragico)
επικό=epic (epico)
αυτό=it (what is automatic? It is something that works for itself)
These were just easy to find examples. The language is full of words that travel all around the globe, so, it gives a boost to the learner’s memory.
There is no easy language, but Greek is a good game to help our mind focus.
There is a unique connection between the heart and the brain, a connection that is impossible not to have benefits for our memory.
The heart pumps and gives the information to the brain throught the dentrites like the roots feed the tree (in Greek dentro means tree)
Why Learning Greek Is Good For Your Health?
You have a new perspective of the English language. I always love the reaction of my students when we explain together in detail thousands of words like for example:
ecosystem=the system of the house
agoraphobia=fear of going to the market (the crowded place)
acrobat=the person that walks to the edge
In reality people don’t get to learn new vocabulary, but the words wake up in them.
If you are thinking about taking up Greek I can suggest 3 options for you:
Private Classes. You can have a look at adult classes and we can arrange an online coffee so as to have all the time to reply to all your questions and then you can decide if what I do is a good fit for you or not.
Group Classes. Have you checked the amazing memebership Demetra Lambros has created? Get all the infromation you want here
Be self Taught with guidance. “Learn Greek without a Teacher” podcast, if you want to be a self-taught learner. It is perfect for complete beginners and those who want material to revise.
Greek Connection: Andrew’s Greek Language Journey When the idea to start teaching Greek online first crossed my mind, meeting people like Andrew started becoming the