Many people around the world research the history of Greece. Undoubtedly, it is a very charming story to learn about. And useful. Some people research and want to learn about the history of ancient Athens in particular. They often find the name of Aspasia, and her role in the history of Ancient Athens. But who Aspasia truly was and why we should be grateful?
Most of the sources and references, mention her as the most beautiful woman of Athens. She organized the coolest parties. She had the coolest friends. Her husband, Pericles turned the whole 5th century into a golden era for human history. A period of success few societies have accomplished.
All of the above are true. But the question is: Why all these people loved Aspasia?
Why Socrates (the most popular philosopher), Phidias (the greatest sculptor of the era, the sculptor of Acropolis), all the Ionian Philosophers of Ionia that settled to Athens, wanted to be friends with her?
Why Pericles, the great, honest and motivated politician wanted this woman as a partner in life? Just because she was beautiful?
We need to narrow down her life and position, in order to understand the hidden role of this gorgeous woman. Νot only for the history of Greece, but for the history or our whole world.
Aspasia was born in Miletus. What is Miletus and why we mention it? Well, the problem is we haven’t mentioned this place as much as we should.
Miletus (today in Turkey) was one of the most important cities in the area of Ionia. The area of Ionia was one of the first regions of the world where real philosophy was born. Rational thought, and ideas that are hidden even in today’s world, were in a great rise in this unforgettable place.
Aspasia was lucky enough to be born and raised in a house full of cosmology and philosophy. Her father, Axiohos, was one of the most beloved teachers of cosmology and philosophy in Miletus. So, Aspasia was raised among brilliant personalities and knowledge.
Her key role in history starts in her teens. When the region of Ionia starts to decline and the young girl decides to go for her dream to settle for Athens, where philosophy and cosmology were on a great rise.
Athens had then started to become a must place to go, for philosophy lovers.
Her father understood that the area of Ionia was in danger, so he decided to give to his precious daughter some of his most important letters and books that he had in his collection. Historical researches and knowledge that he knew it was a crime to be lost in an upcoming war.
So Aspasia, in a boat full of precious for us notes and dreams, said goodbye to her precious father, who he would die some years later in the inevitable war against Samos.

This was her journey, and she didn’t do it by ship or by plane. It was a great struggle to keep the documents safe from waves, into a small boat, with the only company of the fisherman that paddled among the islands of the Aegean, to carry goods in the meantime.
When Aspasia arrived in the port of Piraeus, her good friend Hippodamos, that had settled from Miletus to Athens some years ago, welcomed her and introduced her to the people of Athens. He was waiting for her.
Hippodamus had already become a brilliant architect that had designed the roads of Athens, back then in the 5th century. We now name him “The Father Of Urban Planning”, as he was the first to design cities like that.
His prominent friends were more than happy to welcome his brilliant friend from his hometown.
Especially when they saw her brilliant collection of books and treasures of astronomers, philosophers, and mathematicians! Aspasia with her treasures, won the seat among the greatest personalities of Athens.
The story is known afterwards.
This group of people had managed to become one of the most brilliant groups of people and friendships in human history.
These people did nothing more than encouraging each other, starving to get knowledge from each other and helping each other raise. Consequently, they rose all together. This is the story of Athens.
Aspasia was the bridge between the knowledge of the sophists of then declining Ionia to the new light that had been born. Athens.
All this knowledge is available to all of us today, and we live in the best era to get to know it, share it and help weach other with the light and the beauty of rational thought and philosophy.
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Have a great day,
Efi Asvesti
Teacher & Copywriter @