The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher

The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher
The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher

The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher

You have been thinking about taking up Greek for quite long, but you cannot decide what methos will work best for you?

First of all, you don’t really have to make a permanent decision. What works for you today doesn’t have to work for you in a year from now. We constantly change. You can change your mind about “How you will reach your goal”. What you must never do is “Moving towards this direction”.

In previous articles we covered the benefits of

“Group Classes in the Greek language”

and “Private Greek lessons”

The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher
The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher

In this article we are going to cover the third option of being self taught in the Greek language.

I don’t like being a spoiler, but I will reply to this question right now. The answer is “Yes, you can definetly learn not only Greek by yourself but anything you want in your life”.

I will tell you the truth. I have met many people in my life, as a teacher but also in my everyday life since I was very young, who were self taught in the Greek language. There are people who didn’t learn Greek because they loved Greece or they needed to take up a new hobby.

They had to do it as they left their countries because of war or difficult political situations and they had to make a new start in Greece.

But this is, I hope, not the case for you, so let’s take examples of the people who were self-taught in Greek as a hobby. I have met many people like this, as a teacher. They exist, and they are many.

Many times I have recieved emails of people who have been learning by themselves for years and they feel it’s time for them to finally speak with someone and practice in real talk and not in books or videos. And I have to tell you something. Their Grammar and their skills are remarkable. I really admire them all for their skills in speaking Greek.

So, lets go deeper to the list of the benefits.

1. Cost-Effectiveness: I think that together with the flexibility of the time schedule, the cost is number one in the list of why someone chooses to be self taught. The cost can start from 0$ and will still remain low. Someone can buy some books of Grammar, texts and Audiobooks or online courses, Subscription Podcasts but still the cost remains low.

In this article we cover the benefits of being self taught here are the requirements of choosing this path.

2. Flexibility: Another very impotant factor why someone can choose to be self-taught is the fact that ou can set your own pace and schedule, which is great for balancing with other commitments. You can study early in the morning before your days starts or very late at night when everyone sleeps and you can change this as many times as you wish.

The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher

    3. Discipline: This can be put in the list of advantages and disadvantages. It is basically the only requirement in choosing this path. Self-teaching often requires self-motivation, which can help develop discipline and a strong work ethic. The one feeds the other and this is a circle. If you don’t have self-discipline you cannot be self-taught and this is the end of the story. But if you work on this imagine what else you can achieve with this new disciplined character you have built!

    You can achieve anything else you want. This is who you are now.

    The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher
    The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher

    4. Autonomy: It is not only the flexibility of the time. It is also the flexibility of your goal. You gain control over your learning process, allowing you to set your own goals and track your progress in a way that works for you. This is something you can also have with private lessons of course but it depends on what works better for your character.

    5. Cultural Exposure: Your exposure to the material is organic. You let the culture and all the resources of this country unfold in front of you. No one takes you there, you are an adventurer is this endeavor. Engaging with native media—like films, music, and literature—can deepen your cultural understanding and improve language skills in a more independed way. But keep in mind, that you need to be careful, double-check the information and don’t make assumptions because it is very easy, without feedback and help to get lost and lose your time.

    6. Resource Variety: Either you choose to have a teacher or not, you need to realise how lucky we are today to have access to all this material. In the past we used to buy books accompanied with cassets to study languages and we paid a lot of money. I mean, a lot. Money we didn’t have. Today there is Youtube, online TV, online texts and all for free.

    The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher

    You have access to a vast array of resources, including books, podcasts, videos, and online communities, which can make learning more engaging. If you are not grateful for all these things you can enjoy, you limit yourself with the compaints you make. And the only one who loses it you.

    Talking about resources, cost and proper guidance, I have good news for you.

    Together with my Motivation Podcast about learning the Greek language, I have created a subscription only Podcast in which I have put all my love and method in order to take you from zero to hero. Starting from the alphabet, this low cost subscription Podcast has everything you need to have a good start in the Greek language.

    This way you can keep track of your progress, you will have the guidance you need and the motivation to keep on going.

    Have a look at the Subscription Podcast of learning Greek here

    The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher

    You can use it either as material to start Greek fron scratch, but also for a good revision to feel more confident.

    The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher
    The Top 6 Benefits Of Learning Greek Without A Teacher

    With Respect,

    Teacher, Podcaster & CopyWriter @

    If you are thinking about taking up Greek I can suggest 2 options for you:

    1. Have you checked the amazing memebership Demetra Lambros has created? Get all the infromation you want here
    2. you can have a look at adult classes and we can arrange an online coffee so as to have all the time to reply to all your questions and then you can decide if what I do is a good fit for you or not.
    3. “Learn Greek without a Teacher” podcast, if you want to be a self-taught learner. It is perfect for complete beginners and those who want material to revise.


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