You can also listen to this article here
Transform Your Year: Start 2025 With Learning Something New
I don’t know about you, but for me setting humble and tiny goals helps me a lot to cope with all this external decadence we experience in our world. It is a message of survival to my brain which gives me the satisfaction that I am doing good. It is also a way to focus on myself and create a magic world of beauty and self-improvement which leads to a positive outcome that can also help others.
A more positive future begins with a utopia we strive to create.
Changing myself is the only change I can do to make the world a better place. Then I can give this better self back to my people and my community. This is also the virtue of democracy and this is how democracy is obtainable.
When I first decided that I needed to change my life because I couldn’t continue like this anymore, my goals for the day were very humble, something like drinking one glass of water, walking for ten minutes, read a paragraph of a book which later became one page or finally make this salad. I needed to survive.
Today my goals for the week are something like delivering the best quality of information for the global community I have created for learning the Greek language, finishing reading one book, keep up with my writing goals, going to the gym, studying music and marketing and studying more about my big love, my country, Greece.Today, I don’t write down to drink some water, walk, make a salad or read one paragraph, because now I cannot live without these things.
This is the power of writing down humble and countable goals. They become who you are, and you can go very far with this.
Very far.
The Importance Of Lifelong Learning: Start 2025 With Learning Something New
In any stage of life, we can do many things to help ourselves overcome an obstacle and let 2025 find a better version of ourselves.
We can start 2025 with new knowledge and a new door of magic open for ourselves.
Welcoming the Greek language and the Hellenic Spirit and Philosophy in your life can open a new door of perception for you. Generally, knowledge of any kind of other civilization and culture can lead your life on a completely new path.
Learning Greek can also imporove your health. Yes, that’s right! You can read more here
If you feel lost, open the ways for yourself. These ways will form a map, the map that will take you to the creation of the self you wish for yourself.
Learning a new language will empower you brain and your memory, will give you the feeling of satisfaction to accomplish even more things. Also, Greece is more than souvlaki and tzatziki. Greece and basically Hellas will take your spirit to another dimension. This way you can give yourself the wings to fly
If it has worked for me, it can work for you too.
You can get ready with preparing yourself in a week about the mindsed and how you have a good start in the Greek language with this series of six articles taking you from Day 1 to Day 6, step by step stimulating your emotions so as to turn the information into knowledge that will stay for you forever.
I will be very happy to be your guide in the Greek language and the Hellenic world.
I wish you a New Year full of health and hope for you and the people you love.
With Respect,

Teacher, Podcaster & CopyWriter @ MyGreekTeacher.com
If you are thinking about taking up Greek I can suggest 3 options for you:
- Private Classes. You can have a look at adult classes and we can arrange an online coffee so as to have all the time to reply to all your questions and then you can decide if what I do is a good fit for you or not.
- Group Classes. Have you checked the amazing memebership Demetra Lambros has created? Get all the infromation you want here
- Be self Taught with guidance. “Learn Greek without a Teacher” podcast, if you want to be a self-taught learner. It is perfect for complete beginners and those who want material to revise.