Inspiring Conversations. Meet the people who stayed consistent and now they enjoy the fruit of their hard work in Greek.

Two and half years ago Judit sent me an email that she wants to start learning the Greek language, she told me that, together with her family, they dream of moving to Greece from Iceland in some years, and that she wants to know some Greek before they manage to do it.
I was very happy to meet her for an online coffee before she decided if what I do is a good fit for her or not. This is what I always do in order the student to get to know me first and then make up their mind if they want to start learning Greek with me or they want to continue their research in finding a tutor.
I remember it was January, we had our coffee and then she told me that next month she would give birth to her second child, so we would meet a little later. To be honest, I thought to myself that this would be a little later, because we all know that with two kids, the one a newborn, it will be very difficult to focus and make the time to dedicate an hour per week to have lessons consistently.
But Judit proved me wrong. I was surprised to see that she sent me an email very soon and she told me she was ready to start.
We now have been working together since then, she never misses a lesson (of course we both talk about it and we change if something changes in our programme), she is consistent and she has been a working mum of two at the same time.
Inspiring Conversations: Judit’s Greek Language Journey

If a woman who has two kids and a career makes the time for learning Greek, we can all make the time for the thing we want to learn.
I always say that my students make me a better student for the things I want to learn.
No one can say the story better than Judit, so let’s go!
The interview will be both in English and Greek, so as to get the information but also practice your Greek in the level that you want to.
Γιούντιτ, πες μας λίγα λόγια για σένα.
Judit, tell us some things about you.
Γιατί μαθαίνεις ελληνικά;
Why are you learning Greek?
Γεια, με λένε Γιούντιτ. Είμαι από την Ουγγαρία αλλά έχω ζήσει και έχω δουλέψει στο εξωτερικό για 14 χρόνια. Δουλεύω στον τουρισμό και είμαι health coach επίσης. Αγαπάω να δουλεύω με γυναίκες και να τις βοηθάω να βρίσκουν ισορροπία στην προσωπική τους ζωή και την οικογένεια τους, ώστε να μπορούν να έχουν επίσης μια καλή ζωή στη δουλειά τους και να περνάνε καλά με τα παιδιά τους. Έχω κι εγώ δύο παιδιά και καταλαβαίνω τις προκλήσεις.
Hi, my name is Judit. I’m from Hungary but I’ve been living and working abroad for 14 years. I work in tourism and I am a health coach as well. I help working women find balance between their professional life and family, in order to perform well at their job and be a fun mom for their kids. I have 2 children myself and I understand the challenges.
Τί σου αρέσει πιο πολύ στην ελληνική γλώσσα;
What do you like the most in the Greek language?
Έζησα στην Κρήτη για δέκα μήνες παλιά, και ήταν τέλεια. Θέλω να πάω ξανά να μείνω εκεί με την οικογένεια μου και θέλω να είμαι καλύτερα προετοιμασμένη ώστε να μπορώ να βοηθήσω τα παιδιά μου να ενσωματωθούν πιο εύκολα.
I lived in Crete for 10 months before, and it was perfect. I want to move back there with my family and want to be better prepared so I can help my children integrate easier.
What do you like about the Greek language?
I like that I learn so much more than just the Greek language. It teaches me to make connections with other things that I already know, making it easier for me to remember. And it also has a nice ring to it.
Μου αρέσει ότι μαθαίνω πολλά περισσότερα, πέρα από την ελληνική γλώσσα. Μου διδάσκει να κάνω συνδυασμό με άλλα πράγματα που ξέρω ήδη, και αυτό το κάνει εύκολο για μένα να θυμάμαι. Επίσης μου αρέσει το άκουσμα της γλώσσας.
Ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη δυσκολία που αντιμετωπίζεις?
Which is the biggest difficulty you face?
Καταλαβαίνω την γραμματική, αλλά δεν έχω χρόνο να διαβάζω για να την μάθω καλά.
I understand grammar, but I don’t have the time to learn it well.
Inspiring Conversations: Judit’s Greek Language Journey

Πώς ξεπερνάς αυτή την δυσκολία?
How dou you overcome this difficulty?
Το αφήνω να υπάρχει αλλά συνεχίζω να μαθαίνω άλλα πράγματα, δεν το αφήνω να με σταματάει. Συνεχίζω να μαθαίνω ό,τι κι αν γίνει.
I let it be but I keep on learning other things, I don’t let this stop me. I keep on learning no matter what.
Συμφωνώ πολύ μαζί σου. Το ένα φέρνει το άλλο. Αυτό που είπες είναι πάρα πολύ σημαντικό. Για μένα είναι , όπως λέμε στα ελληνικά, το άλφα και το ωμέγα (είναι τα πάντα, είναι η αρχή και το τέλος) , να καταλάβουμε ότι όσο δύσκολο και να φαίνεται κάτι, πρέπει να συνεχίζουμε να μαθαίνουμε άλλα πράγματα γιατί το ένα φέρνει το άλλο.
I agree with you so much. The one brings the other. What you said is very important. For me it is as we say in Greek, the alpha and the omega (it is everything, the beginning and the end), to understand that no matter how difficult something seems, we must keep on learning other things because the one brings the other.
Ξεκίνησες να μαθαίνεις πριν δύο χρόνια. Έχεις μάθει πολύ καλά ελληνικά και τώρα έρχεσαι να μείνεις στην Ελλάδα! Τι συμβουλή δίνεις σε κάποιον που θέλει να ξεκινήσει ελληνικά αλλά φοβάται τη γλώσσα?
You started learning two years and a half ago. You have learnt very good Greek and now you have just come to live in Greece! What advice do you give to someone who wants to take up learning Greek but they are afraid of the language?
Το πιο δύσκολο βήμα είναι να πάρεις την απόφαση. Μετά είναι να βρεις τον τρόπο που θα σε κάνει να συνεχίσεις και να μένεις συνεπής σε σένα ή σε κάποιον άλλον. Να νιώθεις την ευθύνη είτε στον εαυτό σου, είτε σε κάποιο app, είτε σε έναν άλλον άνθρωπο, για παράδειγμα τον δάσκαλο σου ή κάποιον που διαβάζετε μαζί. Είναι εντάξει το να ζητάς βοήθεια, μην ντρέπεσαι να ζητάς βοήθεια. Βασικά, αυτό είναι το σωστό, αυτό που θα σε πάει μπροστά είναι το να ζητάς βοήθεια. Όλοι βοηθάμε ο ένας τον άλλον.
The most difficult step is to make the decision. Afterwards is to find the way that will make you continue and stay consistent to yourself or someone else. To feel the responsibility either to yourself, or to an app, or to another human, for example your teacher or someone you study together. It is ok to ask for help, don’t be embarrashed to ask for help. Basically, this is the right thing, this is what will take you ahead, asking for help. We all help each other.
Γιούντιτ, σε ευχαριστούμε πολύ για τον χρόνο σου και τις συμβουλές σου. Είσαι πραγματικά φανταστική. Είμαι πολύ υπερήφανη που είμαι δασκάλα σου και με επέλεξες να σε βοηθήσω.
Judit thank you so much for your time and your advice. You are really amazing. I am really proud to be your teacher and that you chose me to help you.
Why I am sharing the stories, because Judit is one of us. We can all do everything we want, if we just make the time for it.
Make the time for it.
It is September. September is an amazing month to make a new start.
With Respect,

Teacher, Podcaster & CopyWriter @
If you are thinking about taking up Greek I can suggest 2 options for you:
- Have you checked the amazing memebership Demetra Lambros has created? Get all the infromation you want here
- you can have a look at adult classes and we can arrange an online coffee so as to have all the time to reply to all your questions and then you can decide if what I do is a good fit for you or not.