How To Learn Greek This Year Prepare Yourself Day 1

One Week of how to learn Greek this year and prepare yourself to welcome the Greek language into your life, in order to stay with you forever.

Day 1

Holidays is a great break from everyday life and we can come back to our goals relaxed and decisive. Being relaxed is the most important part of the process of learning, so never underestimate this.

If you are considering to take up Greek this year, you can follow me this week. Every morning of this first week of the year, Greek timezone, I will be sharing with you, tiny, simple things you can do to prepare yourself emotionally for this fascinating journey of yours that can start from now!

The journey of welcoming the Greek language into your life!

Just like you prepare yourself for a trip! An extra joy in your everyday life!It is literally a preparation for a trip! One of the most fascinating trips of your mind!

Becoming familiar with a language is a journey in time using words that people of the past have created to express themselves. Words that have travelled in time and came to us in order to communicate with each other.

From the day we are born, until our last breath, communication is the basic and most important need of ours.

This is what learning anything we want is all about. Learning anything is about expression and communication. Some of the most important things, together with food and water.

All of our life is about communication and the desire to express ourselves to others.

Language is not a task. It is a human chain that has managed to survive, just like art and science.

I strongly believe it is a crime to think about language learning as a “must do” , “have to do”, “it’s been years since I have been trying…” , “I am not talented in..” bla bla bla.

It is taking away the whole magic. And this is so unfair!

The truth is, you want to start a new hobby and this is only joy!

So, what can you do in the first day of preparation to welcome the Greek language into your life, and manage to stay with you forever?

The important thing here and everywhere, is that we will need to stimulate emotion. Determined and positive emotion.

So, we will need:

  1. Senses
  2. Nature
  3. Music

Wherever you live, I am sure there is a path that you like, a park, seaside or even a forest. Go there today, even for ten minutes. Put your favourite music on.

A new kind of music would help too. Remember, this is going to be a completely new journey, so experimantation in new kind of music is always welcome!

Take notice of the environment while you are dreaming of your new beginning in your learning procedure.

Think of the reasons why you want to learn Greek. How will you be feeling when you will be able to understand it? Feel it real in your hands. Imagine that you have accomplished this. How does it feel? Enjoy the feeling of this result.

You are one with the birds, and the trees. Experience this and understand one reality. You can learn anything you want only when you have one thing.

The desire.

Whichever the reason you want to take up Greek is, for bussiness or fun, you need to prepare yourself before and enjoy the process.

The longest and most uncertain way to start your journey towards your goal is to put it as a task in your mind.

This is a human made conception, part of our current system. Or maybe, the system of the past whose results we still experience today.

So, go outside and get ready for your Day 2

If you found this article of “How to learn Greek this year and stay with you forever” helpful for your procedure of learning Like my Page and get daily motivation and tips.

I use the Greek language because this is the language I teach. But you already know that these ideas can be implemented in everything you want to welcome in your life.

Enjoy your day!

Efi Asvesti,

Teacher & Copywriter @


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Μια Μερα Στην Αθηνα

Σήμερα είναι μια φανταστική μέρα για μένα. Είναι Οκτώβριος και το βράδυ θα πάω σε μια υπέροχη συναυλία που την περιμένω εδώ και έξι μήνες.

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