Are You Getting Angry while learning Greek?
Something I discuss very frequently with my students is that they feel angry while learning Greek. They find difficult to memorize new and old words, the lack of confidence when they try to say their first sentences when they are in Greece and how big the mountain of mastering Greek seems to their eyes.
This talk is part of my job, I do it every week.
And I am not shy to bring the word “anger” on the table. Students feel anger when they cannot memorize new and old words. This feeling is absolutely normal, pure anger in the learning process is a real and abolutely normal thing.
Everyone, every person you admire, feels anger at one point or another.
There are many mechanisms we can work on in order to help ourselves, not to overcome the issue, but to walk together with it.
More than a teacher, I love being a student. This is a thing I practice every day and I really enjoy it. It really gives my life good quality time, entertainment and joy, even in periods of darkness.
- All these years trying to find solutions in the problems of learning I reached the conclusion that when we decide to commit to the path of learning something, we now get the role of a wild animal that we, ourselves try to tame. You will have this feeling over and over again, but the deepest thing here is that in reality you don’t practice the languge. You practice your patience. You work, you cultivate yourself and you create a new self that created the mechanisms of a person who learns seriously a language.
Think about it.
- Another conlusion I have reached is that inhaling knowledge is exactly the same as nutrition. We feed ourselves with knowledge. But with food, we never eat with the hope that we will never be hungry again.
Forgetting is a normal function of our mind. In reality it is a function our brain that keeps us sane. Learning something new is something that moves. I never learn anything with the impression I will never forget it.
This is a normal part of the process. If you don’t embrace that, you add an extra,irresonable frustration to yourself.
Forgetting is a normal function of the brain and it has nothing to do with my ability to learn.
- Keep in mind that you also need to take care of your health when you want to memorize things better. Take care of your iron and make sure you take vitamins in your food. I know first hand that with low iron and no vitamins we make the learning process a lot heavier.
The idea is not only to learn Greek, the idea is to create a new self that makes it easier to learn not only Greek but also everything you want in yourlife.
Angry while learning Greek?
No more. Because now you know what to do so as not to get angry while you are learning Greek.
This is how we do it.
Respect and admire yourself for what you are doing.
I am sure you are doing better than you think.
Now, if you don’t practice even 30 minutes a week, don’t complain about the work you don’t do. We need to be real in order to make our lives better.
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If you are looking for a teacher in the Greek language, do not hesitate to send me an email or message, so as that we have a online coffee and talk about what you need and how I can help you get it.
With Respect,

Teacher, Podcaster & CopyWriter @ MyGreekTeacher.com
If you are thinking about taking up Greek I can suggest 2 options for you:
- Have you checked the amazing memebership Demetra Lambros has created? Get all the infromation you want here
- you can have a look at adult classes and we can arrange an online coffee so as to have all the time to reply to all your questions and then you can decide if what I do is a good fit for you or not.
- “Learn Greek without a Teacher” podcast, if you want to be a self-taught learner. It is perfect for complete beginners and those who want material to revise.