From Begginer To Fluent: 6 Ways Private Greek Lessons Transform Your Skills
6 Ways Private Greek Lessons Transform Your Skills
In a previous article we covered the benefits of working in a team, in a group online class. There are benefits in both options , there are also benefits in being a self-taught learner, a topic we will cover in another article.
You can find the article about the benefits of working in a group class here
1. You have a “personal trainer” to guide you. When you have a teacher only for you, either is in a face to face or online lesson, you have a personal guide that works only for you. As we will cover in the next parts of our list, in a private lesson the teacher gets to know you better as a person, your fields of interest, your strong parts, your weak ones, where you want to go and they will also get to know better how to support your and reach your goal.
Your teacher and you, will find your pace, which can change from time to time according your life. You can work intensely for some period of time while you work more calmly when you need it.
When you have worked with the right method that works for you, working more calmly can do miracles. This it the moment when you will start enjoying the fruit of your work.
2. The lesson is focused on your areas of interest. This is one of the most fascinating things for me. My day and the lessons are so diverse that makes my life wonderful. The lessons are not about the teacher. The teacher is just the bridge. You take your teacher to your world and your teachers guides you in this world of yours but now in the Greek language.
You are the center of the lesson and the lesson is created around your needs. The lesson and the vocabulary can be around a passion the students has, a hobby, art, parenting, hobbies like cooking, painting, culture, music. With some people I speak about the fascinating parts of psychology and neuro-science in language learning while with others we learn through jokes and this in periods of time changes.
6 Ways Private Greek Lessons Transform Your Skills
3. Flexible schedule. Having a convenient timing to suit your busy lifestyle is so helpful to give you the motivation to go on. With your teacher you can build a relationship and have a flexible schedule, you can arrange your lessons if something in your programme changes. There is not a group you have to follow. But we need to talk about the fact that you need to create this relationship with respect. When you respect your teacher and you create a relationship of trust, you will have better results in your learning process and growth.
4. Cultural insights based on your character, interests and needs. You are reading this article because, for the one reason or the other, you love Greece and you are thinking about taking up the Greek language. Either you have Hellenic heritage, you visit Greece for holidays, you have created a Greek family or you want to live in this country, you have already a cultural experience, whatever this can be.
When you have a teacher working only for you, as we said, the teacher will get to know you and help you have a more personalized experience around culture. They will know your personal taste in music, any forms of entertainment like movies, theater, travelling, any tiny detail and they can adjust it perfectly in the Greek world. Your teacher knows almost everything about this world and this game will be only for you.
The more interest you show about this world, the more excited your teacher will be. You will be so lucky to have this. Again, this way you “arrive” faster to your goal.
5. You create a personal relationship with your teacher. I find this very important. Find a good teacher and create a bond of respect with them. You will have a friend who will be pationate about you doing great and motivate you. This is also how I chose my electric guitar teacher, I wanted to find the one who met the virtues I wanted and then I created a bond of respect with him.
This way works great for me. I execute as much as I can and I see progress I hadn’t seen for more than a year that I was trying to learn by myself. Having chemistry and respect makes the learning time a celebration and a big moment in our week. This is pure joy and success.
6 Ways Private Greek Lessons Transform Your Skills
6. You learn faster. As we said before your teacher is just the bridge between you and the object of your desire. A good teacher is someone who has worked so much with themselves that can deliver something complicated in the simplest way possible. This, maybe not many people see it or acknowledge it, but it is, in my opinion, the biggest virtue in a teacher and the top moment of teaching, which teaching is a combination of science and talent. When you have this chemistry working together with a teacher, you not only save time studying what you want to learn, but there is a big posibility your income to change in the future as well.
Having private lessons with a good teacher is a real investment. This is not a joke.
The key word in towards we want to do it “Support”.
I would be very happy to be your guide and show you the magic world of the Greek language. There is no way we cannot find together for you to enjoy the process and turn the information into knowledge which will be yours forever.
Send me an email to have an online coffee and talk about what you need and how I can help you get it.
If you are thinking about taking up Greek I can suggest 2 options for you:
Have you checked the amazing memebership Demetra Lambros has created? Get all the infromation you want here
you can have a look at adult classes and we can arrange an online coffee so as to have all the time to reply to all your questions and then you can decide if what I do is a good fit for you or not.
“Learn Greek without a Teacher” podcast, if you want to be a self-taught learner. It is perfect for complete beginners and those who want material to revise.
Greek Connection: Andrew’s Greek Language Journey When the idea to start teaching Greek online first crossed my mind, meeting people like Andrew started becoming the